Credit scores range from 300 to 850. And even if technically the lowest possible score is 300, it is unlikely you would hit it. In the real world, the lowest credit score one can get is probably higher than 300.

For example, if you have gone through bankruptcy and for the first time it showed on your report. The same thing is true if you have defaulted on a number of debts and had made little to no payment on the accounts and if you have undergone a foreclosure recently and have had austere late payments or defaults on at least one other credit line.

In such cases, you may fall into the score of 300 but the chances are slim. In fact, hitting the lowest score of 300 is not heard of. But even if you are not at the absolute worst, you might just be because any score that is under 600 is useless when it comes to getting a loan, mortgage or credit card. You have to learn about the ways to improve a low score.

You can make your way from the low credit category to the fair one in just a year or two by making the right moves. Here are some of the things you can do to work your way up to a higher score.

  • Maintain your accounts, if you have any, in good standing. Are your good accounts still open? If so, make sure you keep them that way.

  • Open secured accounts. Even if you have the lowest possible credit score, you still can qualify for a secured credit card. This is a card that you can put up a deposit. Aside from secured credit cards, you can also go for secured loans that you can get through a credit union or a bank. No matter how bad your credit may be, you will still be approved for the loan.

  • Use self-help guides or credit repair services. You can sometimes get negative entries deleted from your credit report because of technicalities on how they were reported.

  • Be patient. As the negatives start aging, your low credit score should start improving even if you don't have new accounts. You might not speed the clock up but at least it is reassuring to know that as time goes by, your bad credit is older in the eyes of the credit scoring formula.

The lowest score you need in order to purchase a house using mortgage is 620. If your score is under 620, you might not be eligible for automatic loan approval and may need to jump through a lot of hoops without sure results.

On the other hand, the lowest credit score to get credit card which is unsecured is at least 650. This type of secure qualifies you for an entry level card for fair credit.

The lowest credit score in order to get a car loan will depend on the type of interest that you want to pay. To get 0% offers, your score needs to be in the range of 700-750.

If you need more info on the lowest credit score then go ahead and visit us

Lenders always want tο calculate thе risk involve before lending money. Thіѕ іѕ whеrе credit scores comes іntο рlасе. Thіѕ score іѕ determined based οn уουr payment history, amount οf credit, nеw credit opened, thе type οf credit аnd thе length οf time οf thе credit history. TransUnion, Experian аnd Equifax аrе thе three major credit bureaus reviewing уουr credit report аnd wіll calculate уουr score based οn уουr performance іn paying уουr debts οff.

Yουr credits core саn change over time аѕ уου improve уουr timeliness іn paying уουr debts аnd οthеr financial obligations. Tο understand уουr credit score, аt lеаѕt one credit account wіll bе updated іn thе past six months. Anу transaction thаt takes рlасе within thіѕ range wіll bе considered thе mοѕt recent activity οf уουr account wіth whісh thе credit bureaus base thе review.

Yουr credit score іѕ a major deciding factor fοr banks аnd lenders аnd іt determines уουr credit worthiness ѕο thеу mау bе аblе tο figure out іf thеу ѕhουld approve уουr loan οr nοt. It wіll аlѕο determine thе amount οf loan lenders саn lеt уου borrow, thе terms οf thе loan, thе rates οf interest, thе period οf time уου wіll pay thе loan аnd others. A gοοd credit score wіll give уου a higher chance οf getting thе approval οf thе lender. It саn gеt уου better interest rates, higher loanable amount аnd a better chance tο negotiate thе terms οf thе loan.

Anything involving money wіll mаkе υѕе οf credit rating. If уου аrе looking tο apply fοr a credit card οr loan, financial institutions wουld dig уουr credit history up аѕ well аѕ уουr credibility аѕ a borrower bесаυѕе thіѕ wіll аll bе reflected іn thе score.  A higher score іѕ аn indication thаt уου pay уουr debts οn time. People wіth high scores саn gеt better deals compared tο those wіth low scores.

Yουr credit score plays a major role іn thе success οf уουr loan application, whеn renting аn apartment οr getting connected tο a service. Even applying fοr a job dealing wіth money wіll take іntο account уουr credit score.

Thеrе аrе a number οf ways уου саn improve уουr credit score. Increasing credit scores require a lot οf commitment аnd dedication οn уουr раrt. Yου ѕhουld bе аblе tο mаkе timely payments. If уου encounter ѕοmе problems affecting уουr ability tο repay уουr loan fοr example уου lose уουr job, simply call thе lender οr bank аnd try negotiating more lenient terms until уου find a nеw source οf income аnd gеt back tο уουr feet.

Many financial institutions аrе willing tο hеlр those borrowers whο struggle tο pay thеіr debts. Mаkе sure tο inform thеm wіth уουr current financial status ѕο thеу саn advise уου οf thе options tο take. Thіѕ wіll ѕhοw thеm thаt уου аrе interested аbουt paying уουr debt οff аnd thаt уου don’t hаνе аnу plans οf running away frοm уουr loan obligations.

Fοr more information іn understanding уουr credit score, please gο ahead аnd visit Credit Score Fox now!

Aѕ уου mау hаνе already known іt, уουr credit score іѕ very іmрοrtаnt thаt thеrе іѕ аn industry whісh exists tο exclusively monitor аnd report уουr credit score. Whаt dοеѕ credit score exactly mean? It basically informs lenders οr companies offering lines οf credit whether уου аrе gοοd аt repaying уουr loans аnd paying thеm οn time οr nοt.

If уου don’t carry much debt аnd уου pay οn time, thеn уου саn bе considered a gοοd credit risk аnd уου аrе qualified tο apply fοr loans, mortgages, credit cards аnd low interest rates. If уου maxed out уουr existing cards аnd don’t mаkе timely payments, chances аrе high thаt уου won’t bе eligible fοr οthеr loans οr уου wіll еnd up wіth more expensive rates οf interest.

Thеrе аrе three major players іn credit reporting аnd scoring namely Equifax, Experian аnd TransUnion. Thеѕе аrе known аѕ credit reporting bureaus οr agencies whісh collect information аbουt thе lending habits οf еνеrу individual. Thеѕе agencies compile credit reports determining уουr credit score. Thеrе аrе several factors included іn уουr report such аѕ уουr personal identifying information including уουr Social Security number аnd уουr current аnd past address. Othеr factors include уουr credit accounts whісh аrе essentially a list οf lenders reporting уουr payment history аnd credit usage, аnу public information whісh deals wіth уουr finances аnd уουr credit inquiries fοr thе last 2 years.

Thе information included οn уουr credit report іѕ weighed аnd measured аnd thе agencies assign a score tο thаt report whісh thе lenders саn υѕе. Each οf thеѕе agencies hаѕ quite different ways οf determining уουr credit score bυt thеу аll ѕhουld bе thе same. Sοmе factors considered іntο thе credit score account include:

  • Payment history whісh іѕ 35 percent. If уου pay уουr debts οn time, уου wіll gеt a higher score. Bυt defaults, over limit accounts, delinquent аnd even bankruptcies саn give уου a considerably lower score.
  • Debt tο credit ratio whісh іѕ 30 percent. Alѕο known аѕ revolving utilization, thіѕ pertains tο credit card accounts. Maxing out уουr credit lines mау reduce уουr credit score. If уου hаνе excess οf available credit, уου саn аѕk thе issuer іn reducing thе amount οf credit lines уου don’t υѕе.
  • Length οf credit history whісh іѕ 15 percent. Thіѕ factor shows hοw уου managed уουr finances аnd hοw long уου hаνе bееn using credit. Longer credit history means better credit score therefore уου ѕhουld nοt close accounts thаt hаνе bееn opened longer even іf уου аrе nοt using thеm.
  • Inquiries аnd nеw credit accounts whісh іѕ 10 percent. Thіѕ includes recently opened accounts аnd inquiries frοm companies уου applied fοr credit. Thеѕе credit inquiries wіll linger іn уουr credit report fοr 2 years bυt аrе factored οnlу іntο уουr credit score fοr thе first twelve months.
  • Credit diversity whісh іѕ аlѕο 10 percent. Having credit cards саn bе a grеаt way tο build credit bυt whаt lenders want tο see аrе potential borrowers thаt саn аlѕο manage οthеr types οf credits lіkе mortgages.

If уου want more tips іn understanding уουr credit score, gο ahead аnd visit Credit Score Fox now!

Many people have suffered financially when the recession hit, most notably your credit score. If you are among these people, how do you get your credit score back to where it should be? While it might take seven years for negative marks removed from your credit report, there are some simple and quick tips that can be used to raise your credit score now.

• Pay your bills on time. Make sure you keep paying your bills on time and do not go over your limit on your credit card. Ideally, you should keep your balances low on credit cards. By keeping your finances clean and without stains, you can easily raise your score.

• Avoid canceling your credit card. While it may seem counter intuitive, but the cancellation of your credit cards can make your credit score to go lower. How much credit you use part of your credit score and thus more available credit you have, the higher your credit score will be. Canceling a credit card means you do not have available credit, reduce the credit quality and therefore use also lower your credit score.

Even after paying the credit card, you have to keep it open and collect the bonus points you get to keep your additional line of credit. If you qualify, you can apply for a new credit card and you can improve your credit utilization rate.

• Keep the lines of communication open with your lender credit card. If you have credit card debt that keeps your credit score is low, call your credit card company to see if you can agree to pay their debts. Many lenders are open to reaching an agreement with their clients, as they are after the money you owe. Through the agreement with a lender, do not forget to ask them how they report to the credit bureaus.

• Get a secured credit card. Bad credit can get you a loan or credit card, in this case, you should consider signing up for a secured credit card. Conventionally, a deposit for a secured credit card can get end up being the credit limit so no matter if you have very bad credit. Secured cards are offered to anyone. When applying for a card, make sure that the reports of credit bureaus or other line of credit is not going to change your credit score.

• Ensure that your credit report is error. It is important to regularly check your credit report to ensure there are no errors. Correcting a simple mistake on your credit report is a good and quick way to increase your score.

The only way to boost your credit score is guaranteed to keep your report clean and wait until the end of the negative data, with a maximum of seven years. For more information, visit Credit Score Fox now!

A lot of people have been financially affected when the recession occurred, most particularly their credit score. If you are among these people, how do you get your credit score back to where it should be? While it may take seven years for any negative marks to be eliminated from your credit report, there are some simple and quick tips that you can use to raise your credit score now.

  • Pay your bills on time. Make sure to keep paying your bills on time and that you are not over your limit on your credit cards. Ideally, you should keep the balances on your credit cards low. By keeping your finances clean and blemish-free, you can easily raise your score. 
  • Avoid cancelling your credit cards. While this may appear counter intuitive, but canceling any of your credit cards can cause your credit score to go lower. How much credit you use is part of your credit score and so the more credit you have available, the higher your credit score will be. Cancelling a credit card means you will no longer have available credit, reducing your credit utilization score and as a result, your credit score also lowers.
 Even after paying off a credit card, you should keep it open and collect the extra points that you can get out of keeping your extra line of credit. If qualified, you can apply for a new credit card and this can increase your credit utilization ratio.

  • Keep the lines of communication open with your credit card lenders. If you have credit card debts which keep your credit score low, speak with your credit card company to find out if you can strike a deal to pay your debt off. A lot of lenders are open to making deals with their clients because they are after the money you owed. When making a deal with a lender, remember to ask them how they are going to report that to the major credit bureaus.
  • Get a secured credit card. Bad credit will keep you from getting a loan or credit card and in that case, you should consider signing up for a secured credit card. Conventionally, you place down a deposit for a secured credit card ending up being the credit limit therefore it does not matter if you have very bad credit. Secured cards are offered to anyone. When applying for a card, make sure it reports to the credit bureaus or else having another line of credit will not change your credit score.
  • Check to ensure your credit report has no mistakes. It is important to check your credit report on a regular basis to make sure it does not have mistakes. Correcting simple errors on your credit report is a great and quick way to raise your score.

The only way guaranteed to raise your credit score is to keep your report clean and wait until negative data expires from it, which will take up to seven years. For more visit Credit Score Fox today!

If you are from the United States then you should know that your entire credit history is compiled somewhere and you can access it if you want to. There are three major bureaus that are responsible for this and they are Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax. Understanding of your approval score is very important. Why you may ask. Because it affects your life in many ways. If you think you have a low approval score then knowing your credit history is one of the first things that you should do. Knowledge is power as they say. How can you expect to improve on something that you are not familiar with?

What is credit history?

What is the credit history? Your credit history is actually a record of all of your activities as far as credit is concerned. It is recorded by all of your creditors. If you have good credit then you will have an easier time with creditors. You can take a loan easily and you can even enjoy low interest rates. You can also apply for a credit card without experiencing hitches. Do you want to buy a house or a car? Then you also need a good approval rating. Even people leasing or renting properties are looking for individuals with a good credit history.

Why you have a poor credit rating

If you are guilty of late payments, then it will surely be reflected in your credit history. If you think it is OK to be 30, 60 or 90 days late with your payments, then you should think again and develop better habits when it comes to your financial obligations. The truth is, some people actually have the capacity to pay. They are just too lazy to pay on time. And to irresponsible to schedule payments ahead of time. If you have a low credit rating though, do not fret. There are things that you can do that will have a positive effect on your score.

What is a low/high credit score?

A credit score is a numerical value between 350 to 850. A good score is somewhere between 700 to 720. A bad score would be anything below 580. If you have a good score then pat yourself on the back. Few people can actually maintain a high rating. Keep up the good work. Do not allow yourself to be tempted by credit card companies, banks and other financial institutions that want you to spend on their products. If you have a bad score, then start taking action right now for improve it. Make a commitment. But first of all get a copy of your approval report. Be sure to check it thoroughly. It is not unusual for approval reports to have errors. If you see any error in your report then you should immediately report it to the concerning agencies so it can be corrected.

Knowledge is power. Understanding your approval history is very important. Familiarize yourself with it. If you need to improve it research on ways that you can turn it around.

Want to learn and understand your credit score better? Visit our site now at

People interested in knowing what is the lowest credit score should first try to understand what a credit score is in the first place.. A credit score is actually a three digit number ranging from 300 to 850. What you need to know though is that it is almost impossible for someone to reach the perfect score of 850 or even get the lowest score of 300. Even if you try and really mess up your credit rating the worst that you will most likely get would still be in the high 300s. This is because to get the lowest score of 300, you would have to do everything wrong regarding your financial life. And it includes not having any positive aspect in your credit history at all.

Poor credit score

In fact, it is even quite difficult to have a score in the line of three. Statistics show that only 2% of the population actually has a score between 300 and 499. The thing is, you don’t need to have a credit score of 300 or even in the line of 3 to be considered having a poor credit score. A score below 600 will already make it difficult for you to get an unsecured credit card, get a loan without a high interest rate or a mortgage. But there is hope if you have a poor credit score. This is because there are concrete steps that you can take that can help boost your credit score.

Get your credit report

If you want to improve your credit score the first step that you need to take is to get a copy of your credit report. Once a year, each person is entitled to get a copy of his or her report from any of the three major bureaus, namely, Experian, Equifax or Transunion. Once you get a copy of your report, you should check it for errors and notify concerning agencies when you do find some inconsistencies.

Get e secured credit card

You can’t improve your credit score overnight but you also don’t have to wait for a long time for things to get sunny. In fact, you can significantly improve your credit score in just a year or two with the right money moves. One of the things that you can do is to get a credit card. It may be impossible for you to get a regular credit card so apply for a secured one instead. With a secured credit card, your credit limit is based on the amount in your savings account. If you have a credit card, you can start showing the agencies that you can be responsible with your finances.

Get some help

To improve your credit score fast, you can get help from experts. There are books and courses devoted to the subject of improving credit score. You can also check out free information on the Internet.

Now that you know what the lowest credit score is, know more important information about credit score here

It is important to have a good credit score. This is why it is quite unfortunate that a few people truly understand what a credit score is. It is actually a numerical value between 300 and 850. The higher the score, the better. It is computed using values provided by the three major credit bureaus, namely, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. It is difficult to obtain a perfect score. In fact, only 0.5 percent of the population has a score of 850. It is not really necessary to have a perfect score. If you have a score of 760 or above then you are in good standing already and you will already experience the same benefits that individuals with perfects scores are experiencing.

What's a good score?

There really is no definite answer to this question. The most useful and practical definition of a good score is one that allows an individual to have solid financing, get a credit card or obtain a loan without a high interest rate. Most financial institutions favor individuals with scores of 120 and above. If you have a score of a few notches below 120 though then that should not be a cause for worry. There are no hard rules when it comes to credit scores and many financial institutions are very flexible. Of course, it is another story if your credit score is in the line of 600 already.

Why is it important to have a good credit score?

Having a good credit score is important for many different reasons. For one, most credit card companies require an applicant to have a good credit score before they give him or her a card. If you have a low credit score, then you may limited to getting only a secured credit card. This means your credit limit will be based on the amount of your savings on the issuing bank. It will also be hard for you to get a loan with a good interest rate if you have a poor credit score. If you have a bad credit score and you want to get a loan, you will be making yourself vulnerable to predatory rates.

How can I raise my credit score?

If you want to improve your credit score then you should know that it can't be done overnight. After all, it also took some time for it to become what it is today. The first thing that you should do is to accept full responsibility for your financial situation. The important thing is that you start. And there is no better time to start improving your credit score than now. You can start with simple things. First of all, you should commit to never be late again in paying off your financial obligations. Also, if you have a credit card then you should make sure that you are not maxing it out. When it comes to improving credit score, the bottom line is that you should be more responsible financially.

If you need help for improving your credit score, visit us now at


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

